Maal Hijrah, which is also called Awal Muharram, is an important day for muslim. It falls on
the first day of Muharram on every Muslim calender year, which is the first day on muslim calender.
The meaning of Maal Hijrah in English is migration. On this day, Muslim remember Nabi
Muhammad S.A.W migrate from Mekkah to Madinah on the year 622 A.D. Besides, Maal Hijrah also mean changes
from bad to good side and can be said as starting point and evaluate inner-self on self achievement.
Awal means begining in English and Muharram is the first month of muslim calender.
In another words, this is the first day in Muslim calendar. Therefore, this is also the new year for all
This day has became an important religious day for all muslim. All the mosque will have solat sunat.
By LibraryNet Content Writer
- February 2005.-
- February 2005.-